Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Only 363 more days to go!

It simply doesn't make sense... How can I wake up at 3:30am wide awake and feeling like I can tackle the day, only to lay back down to go back to sleep and wake up at 6:30 to feel like I didn't sleep at all? Still working on how that works!

So teaching... It's what I do... It's what I love... And honestly, I think I'm pretty good at it (at least my students think so). Not only that, my kiddos get my sarcastic sense of humor (and give it back to me). So let me relish and expose you to some pieces of evidence which support my information above.

Photo above: I had asked her for a husband for my birthday. She said she would look for him at Walmart... I asked her to look for him at Target (it had better quality items)...and this is what I got today.

Picture above: I had asked one of my kiddos for a car for my birthday. He walks into my class today and says, "Here are your keys to your car. Your car is out on the playground."

Picture above: Sweet gifts and breakfast from my kiddos.

Picture above: Just some of the cards and letters from my kiddos this week.

Side note: Homemade cards are my favorite. They take time, effort, and thought to what is placed into each card. Looking at the cards I can tell my students know and understand the kind of person I am. They know that not only am I a teacher, but I'm a person.

Faith... I am discovering more and more the importance of having spiritually knowledgeable in my life. This does not necessarily mean they can quote every verse of the Bible. This means that I understand people who have God at the core of their being. Tonight at small group was a great reassurance that I am not alone in my struggles in life. Tonight's focus was on a confused mind (guilty). A doubtful and unbelieving mind (guilty). An anxious and worried mind (guilty). While I know and understand I'm guilty of all of these things, I'm realizing the power God has in comforting me in these weaknesses. And I'm going to picture review of some key points from my reading (Joyce Meyer's The Mind is a Battlefield)and of the night's discussion:

This last picture really goes deep for me as I often do things today for the purposes of tomorrow. I must look at doing the things of today for the purposes of day. It even makes me reflect on the title of my blog (Faith.Fitness.Future). Should I worry about the future or worry about today?--But today doesn't go along with my alliteration!

So what did I learn about being 28 today? It's important to live and accomplish the things that 28 years and 2 days Jessica must do and not fret over 28 years and 3 days Jessica.

Now to my challenge to you (oh faithful and loyal reader)... What are things that are on your today's to do list for tomorrow that can be put aside to rejoice in what needs to take place today?

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