Sunday, March 17, 2013

Day 6 and 7...

Sooooo.... I am a day behind. I know, I can't slip up already, but it was a busy day on Saturday from sun up to sun down. There's nothing like waking up early on your off day, NOT! It was a fun day filled with judging kiddos competing in the Odyssey of the Mind competition. A small shout out to my friends, Amy and Jennifer, for their 5th grade team winning a BIG award at the competition! I am also proud of my past and current students who competed this weekend. These competitions take a lot of time and preparation....and they all worked hard to get to this point.

Now on to Sunday...I've laid around most of the day dealing with a bad headache, but it has been a day of LOTS of thinking...kinda like everyday. But here's what's on my mind:

- Why do I fall into the trap of bad mistakes? It seems like when I am chugging along on the good road there's a traffic stop that puts me on a delay of achieving what I really want out of life...including my spiritual life. I know temptations won't stop, but how I do stop and control my own actions?

- Africa...Yeah, I leave for Tanzania in a little more than 2 months...not going to lie. I am anxious about raising the funds and the preparation for the trip (but I plan to make an Africa post in the next couple of days).

- I talked about timing the other day, but it seems to come up over and over again. Case in point...the other day a certain person came across my mind. Thought about contacting them, but realized I didn't need to walk back through that door again. Then I wake up this morning with a from a message from that person. It brought a smile to my face, but also kinda scares me. Is this another road block on my journey to something else? Or is this part of the good journey? I know I shouldn't and won't rush into things, but should I even go into things that I have experienced before...

- As a teacher this is the time of the year that's crazy! We are trying to prepare for testing and our minds are wondering about what's going to happen next year. As for preparing for the test, I am trying not to stress about the things I still need to cover. I know it's crazy to cover the things we have to cover in the time frame we are to cover them; however, teachers do this each and every year without fail. I am proud to be in a profession that deals with problems each and every moment of the day (yep, we are working even when we aren't in the walls of a school building) to bring about a growing generation. We not only have to tackle the standards, but we have to be moms, counselors, nurses, and friends to these kids. We truly are a profession like no other!

- Fitness and health. I said this was going to be an avenue for me to begin focusing on it, but I have done nothing to start that. I must...and will start soon!

- It's Sunday...and I didn't really have a weekend! Full, regular days at school this week. It is going to be weird for me and the students, so I must plan accordingly. It's going to be fun.

So what has being 28 meant the last couple of days!?!? I am still just as confused with things happening in year 28 as I was in year 27....HELP!!!

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