Thursday, April 5, 2012

Fitness...or lack there of!

The title of my blog is While I have been focusing on the faith and future, I have been really SUCKING (yes, sucking) at the fitness part. This is me being completely open and honest, because if I don't say it, then I won't be held accountable for my actions (or lack there of). This time a year ago, I was a crazy fitness girl, watching what I was eating and making NO excuses for not going to the gym.... here I am a year later, completely the opposite and things need to change...and FAST! So here is my public accountability... my last straw! Things need to change, things MUST change!!!  I guess I am scared of where I start again....while I want to call my trainer, I feel like he is going to beat his head against the wall since all his hard work is gone! On the other hand, that means more money in his pocket. Now back to this comment on where I start again, I know I need to get myself on a schedule (just need help with the accountability!). I am thinking I will make a Friday post that will me labeled "Fitness Fridays" it will include all of my workouts for the week (both the highs and lows) and will discuss my upcoming week's workout. By making this public, I am hoping it will make it more accountable. For those reading my blog, please feel free to call me out on things and check up on me... that's why I am writing this!

Here we go!!!

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