Monday, March 25, 2013

Moron Monday (Day 15)

Since Mondays do not have a name yet... I decided to give this Monday to the morons of the world. So here we go...

If you weren't aware, I am single. Shocker, I know! Anyways, I dabble in online dating from time-to-time. It really is quite an art...a jungle...and many times a terrible tragedy! Well, recently I stumbled across this delicacy of a man boy. Let me set the seen for you... the moron's guy's profile picture is the epic douchebag picture... you know what I am talking about. Come on, you know the guy working out at the gym and believes he is looking great, so he takes a picture of himself flexing in the mirrors at the gym and snaps a mirror picture. It gets me every time (insert sarcasm here). While I worry over this guy using this picture as his profile picture, I am quickly amused to see he has MANY of these great pictures in his photo album. I know, you are thinking I must be interested since I looked in the album. Believe me a girl can go to a bad store and still window shop....there was not committed taken. So you may be wondering how this guy is such a moron with just gym mirror pictures...Well let me welcome you to his profile....

Let me tell you, if this is Prince Charming I will remain single FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE! Thank you God for reminding me often that I am a good catch and that I mustn't settle!

What have I learned about being 28 today? While I had dreams when I was younger of being 28 married with little kids, I have learned from actually being 28 that it's okay to be single, especially when the pickings are slim. :)

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