Friday, March 22, 2013

Faith...and Friday (Day 12)

Today's daily devotional was about facing temptation...

...yeah, the pause was needed there, because honestly lately I have succumbed to some of the worldly temptations. I won't go into detail, but that's partially the sucky days previously. I am still amazed at how God puts the right passage in your life at just the right time. He KNOWS what I's enlightening and FRIGHTENING. I kind of think of it as one of those Godly nudges...It's His nice way of saying straighten up. I welcome them... I fear them...but I am thankful He doesn't stop giving them to me.

Here's a few of my favorite parts of the devotional, which stemmed from Psalm 81:16

- How often have you neglected the place of blessing? There is a counsel and comfort in God's Word but you have spent little time reading it. There are rich mercies to be found at the throne of grace but you have neglected prayer. There are joys and blessings to be found in God's house but you have been attracted by the empty promises of the world.
- The next time you are facing temptation to sin or to squander God's blessings, remember this: God is willing and able to bless his people. Today, heed his call to return. Call upon Him, knowing He is willing to hear and ready to bless.

What have I learned about being 28 today? That things do not get easier....that they especially do not get easier if I don't place God at the forefront of my decisions... That I've got to call upon God in my times of temptation (and every other time) to bless me with better decisions...That I don't have all the answers, but He does.

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