Thursday, July 11, 2013
High Five, Boo! (Day 77)
**This post is taken directly from my journal, which it means it's what was going as I was in country. I am going to do my best to not add or delete, as I want it to be exactly like it was when I was there. For the most part, I wrote at night before bed. Some days there's lots of stuff...some days it's just lists. Either way, it's what I experienced**
This morning I woke up and felt much better than yesterday. We had breakfast and did a little debriefing before we broke out into small groups for church service. Adam, Lauren, ad I went to Pastor Zachariah's church. It was filled with lots of children and very little adults. We were asked to do the children's ministry on the spot, and I quickly volunteered Lauren...and she did GREAT! Adam was up next, but he knew he would be preaching this morning because he was warned before we went. Adam was AWESOME! Thank you God for allowing our paths to cross; he truly is a man of Christ! When church was over, we were all outside talking and standing around. Lauren and I wished we knew game to play with the kids. There was one little girl who was following me and smiling at me; I am pretty sure she was a ninja! I'd turn around and she was there! She was also my in for playing with the other kids. I saw one kid drawing pictures in the dirt, so I went over and started drawing too. This, of course, attracted more kids to come over. I played a high five and chase game with the kids. They are quite intrigued by seeing a white person, and many were scared to even touch me. Nonetheless, it was fun playing with them. I can't wait until we have more translators, so we can talk to more people (and kids).
After church we came back to the hotel for lunch and to talk about the day. Lunch choice... chicken, beef, or fish with either rice or fries (this became a quick staple of the week's food choices).
Later we watched Lauren and Robyn present on medical/hygiene issues. By far the funniest part was Robyn showing them how to floss!
We came back to the hotel for dinner (same choices) and had a debrief about tomorrow would bring.
What I learned about being 28 today: You don't have to speak the same language to act like a kid!
**Pictures and videos to come!**
Are we there yet? (Days 74-76)
**Disclaimer: These days were not written down; however, they were deeply imprinted on my mind**
May 23rd- Departure Day... it's here, it is FINALLY here! The day I had been waiting for... the day I was leaving for AFRICA! Color this girl excited. I made sure my bags were packed and ready to go the night before, and I headed into work for a few hours before my friend Jordan picked me up to take me to the church. I wasn't nervous... I wasn't scared.... I was EXCITED! We talked. We prayed. We loaded the van. We left for the airport. Simple. Upon arrival to the ticket booth a few of us were saying small prayers that are our bags would be underweight. I came in just under 50lbs, which I think is great for this natural over-packer who also had to make sure her bag had some camping necessities! (Don't worry, I will pat myself on the back for that feat!)
Before we loading the plane, we met up with Keith, Byron, Dalton, and Adam who were also going on the trip. It made me feel a little at home, since all these guys were from Alabama. Our first flight was a quick one from Atlanta to Miami, which gave us some time to get to laugh and talk about our travel. We were advised to sleep as much as possible on our next two flights, so we would be game when we got to Tanzania (This is where the foreshadowing part of the story comes into play. You know how the superman says "I never die" and dies a few scenes later? Still confused... keep reading!) Upon arriving in Miami we get our things situated and head to find food and a place to sit, which ended up being by the terminal doors. We talked and laughed, again. Boarded the plane. The big plane at that! It was what I like to call a "2-5-2 seater". Want to guess where we were sitting? When I say "we" I am referring to Elaina and myself, as we were on the same itinerary so we had the pleasure of knowing at least one person we would be sitting next to throughout the flights. We were sitting in seats 3 and 4 of the 5... yep, right smack dab in the middle of people we didn't know. Well, we didn't know right away. Yep, right smack dab in the middle of people we would be sitting with for the next 8 hours!! So we briefly introduced ourselves to the people around us... hippies to the left and young girl to the right, and the plane took off. I watched a movie or two and started to make my way to sleeping land... With Elaina asleep on my tray table, I quickly fell asleep. Peaceful, right? Well, it was until I woke in pure panic mode. The young girl next to me was asleep; however, invading my space and Elaina was on my tray table...and I was feeling as though what little space I had before had gotten even smaller. After that small panic, I was unable to go back to sleep... not to mention I was fearful that I would freeze to death as the plane was the coldest place I have every been in my ENTIRE life! Okay... fast forward 6 hours and we make it to London, YAY! We planned to get our boarding pass for Kenya Airways and jump out of the airport for a few hours, since we had a long layover. Well, you can't always get what you want! Kenya Airways would not give us our boarding passes that far in advance, and to top it off the line to get through customs was RIDICULOUS! So we spent 9 sweet, sweet hours in the London airport. I played on Facebook. I ate some Flakes.... Side story: Flakes are a magical chocolate candy bar that's made in England, and since my family is from England (mom's side), we have grown up on these delicious treats. It is also a joke when my mom would get them growing up that she would give us like 1; however, my brothers and I were always able to find where she hid them and have another (Top dresser drawer). It was nice to be in a different country and eat a flake (or two) without fear of having to share, so I got a few extra. (Side side story: At the hotel we were at the first week, I slowly discovered that my flake candy bar was getting smaller and smaller; however, I was never the one eating it. I am pretty sure the lady spraying down my room with mosquito spray was paying herself in Flakes. It did become quite a fun experiment, because I didn't do anything with the candy bar. I would just see how much was left each day I got back from working with the church. Needless to say, I left the lady the rest of what she had already eaten before I left for the second week.)
And back to the real story at hand.... 9 hours pass and we board our plane for Nairobi. A big plane; however, it has the name of "3-3-3 seater". We were fortunate this time to know the person who shared the other 3 with us, Byron. I was the lucky one who got the middle seat, Yipee! So we talk. We fall asleep....for 30 minutes. We eat. And everyone around us falls asleep, but we are wide awake. We watch movies. We listen to music. This takes up about 2 1/2 hours of the 8 hour flight. So we watch another movie.... talk... listen to music, and finally just look at each other with pure sadness as we know we can't sleep. We try. We really do, but get nothing. Needless to say this was the part of the travel that started to go downhill. We make it to Nairobi. Wait about 45 minutes and board our next plane to Mwanza, Tanzania. By this point, I am fading... fast. Fortunately, the flight was a quick one (45 minutes) and we had room to wiggle. We make it to the Mwanza airport, which looks a lot like an airport you see in movies where the people land in the middle of nowhere, there's a makeshift building for the "airport", and sketchy feel to the air. The next step is to go through "customs", which was nothing like I expected. At the same time we are getting through the customs paperwork, I am a hawk on my bag. We were told before we left that when we got to Mwanza there would be guys at the airport wanting to carry our bags for us...and would then expect money or would steal it. With those thoughts in my mind, I wasn't going to lose sight of my bag; however, a few guys seemed very persistent on taking our bags. We tried to say no thanks, but it wasn't working. It wasn't until we got through customs that we were informed that the guys were with us (and we would grow to love these guys as great brothers in Christ). So we have made it! We are in Africa! We can now get to business, right? WRONG! We now load a bus to take an 8 hour drive to Mugumu, which is outside of the Serengeti National Park.
Things are cool for the first hour, but then I start to fade even more. My happy go lucky spirit has left me and I am just... MISERABLE. Our driver was perfecting his Nascar skills on unpaved, uneven, holey roads. We stopped for a bathroom break (You are probably wondering why this is even relevant... keep reading). When you are in the middle of Tanzania there aren't those gas stations to pull over and use the restroom; however, they do have an over abundance of squatty potties... you know the ones where you drop your pants, squat, and water the garden. The perfect hidden location was picked out (hidden doesn't mean we had our personal spaces; hidden just means we were apart from the guys and general public). We drop, we squat, and we were discovered by a random man walking the road. We laughed, we finished, and we left. Lunch was our stopping point and halfway point for the ride. This is where we started our first jump into a Tanzanian meal... chicken and lots of starches! Sounds exciting, at first! Fast forward several more hours and we make it to our hotel for the week. Don't get too excited. Yes, I was in a hotel, but get out the American image you have dancing in your head right now. It did have a bed, a toilet, and a shower (per se), so it was a luxury for the week.... and I am thankful.
So we all made it! We left on Thursday in America and it was now Saturday in Africa, but we made it! I showered, had dinner, and quickly tucked myself into bed. I needed sleep for the real adventure to begin!
What I learned about being 28 these days: Traveling sucks when you are in the middle seat!
**I did NOT think this post was going to be this long, especially since I didn't journal about it. It seems as I started to go through the course of the travel days things started flooding back.**
Also, I will come back and add pictures, as it is not cooperating right now.
May 23rd- Departure Day... it's here, it is FINALLY here! The day I had been waiting for... the day I was leaving for AFRICA! Color this girl excited. I made sure my bags were packed and ready to go the night before, and I headed into work for a few hours before my friend Jordan picked me up to take me to the church. I wasn't nervous... I wasn't scared.... I was EXCITED! We talked. We prayed. We loaded the van. We left for the airport. Simple. Upon arrival to the ticket booth a few of us were saying small prayers that are our bags would be underweight. I came in just under 50lbs, which I think is great for this natural over-packer who also had to make sure her bag had some camping necessities! (Don't worry, I will pat myself on the back for that feat!)
Before we loading the plane, we met up with Keith, Byron, Dalton, and Adam who were also going on the trip. It made me feel a little at home, since all these guys were from Alabama. Our first flight was a quick one from Atlanta to Miami, which gave us some time to get to laugh and talk about our travel. We were advised to sleep as much as possible on our next two flights, so we would be game when we got to Tanzania (This is where the foreshadowing part of the story comes into play. You know how the superman says "I never die" and dies a few scenes later? Still confused... keep reading!) Upon arriving in Miami we get our things situated and head to find food and a place to sit, which ended up being by the terminal doors. We talked and laughed, again. Boarded the plane. The big plane at that! It was what I like to call a "2-5-2 seater". Want to guess where we were sitting? When I say "we" I am referring to Elaina and myself, as we were on the same itinerary so we had the pleasure of knowing at least one person we would be sitting next to throughout the flights. We were sitting in seats 3 and 4 of the 5... yep, right smack dab in the middle of people we didn't know. Well, we didn't know right away. Yep, right smack dab in the middle of people we would be sitting with for the next 8 hours!! So we briefly introduced ourselves to the people around us... hippies to the left and young girl to the right, and the plane took off. I watched a movie or two and started to make my way to sleeping land... With Elaina asleep on my tray table, I quickly fell asleep. Peaceful, right? Well, it was until I woke in pure panic mode. The young girl next to me was asleep; however, invading my space and Elaina was on my tray table...and I was feeling as though what little space I had before had gotten even smaller. After that small panic, I was unable to go back to sleep... not to mention I was fearful that I would freeze to death as the plane was the coldest place I have every been in my ENTIRE life! Okay... fast forward 6 hours and we make it to London, YAY! We planned to get our boarding pass for Kenya Airways and jump out of the airport for a few hours, since we had a long layover. Well, you can't always get what you want! Kenya Airways would not give us our boarding passes that far in advance, and to top it off the line to get through customs was RIDICULOUS! So we spent 9 sweet, sweet hours in the London airport. I played on Facebook. I ate some Flakes.... Side story: Flakes are a magical chocolate candy bar that's made in England, and since my family is from England (mom's side), we have grown up on these delicious treats. It is also a joke when my mom would get them growing up that she would give us like 1; however, my brothers and I were always able to find where she hid them and have another (Top dresser drawer). It was nice to be in a different country and eat a flake (or two) without fear of having to share, so I got a few extra. (Side side story: At the hotel we were at the first week, I slowly discovered that my flake candy bar was getting smaller and smaller; however, I was never the one eating it. I am pretty sure the lady spraying down my room with mosquito spray was paying herself in Flakes. It did become quite a fun experiment, because I didn't do anything with the candy bar. I would just see how much was left each day I got back from working with the church. Needless to say, I left the lady the rest of what she had already eaten before I left for the second week.)
And back to the real story at hand.... 9 hours pass and we board our plane for Nairobi. A big plane; however, it has the name of "3-3-3 seater". We were fortunate this time to know the person who shared the other 3 with us, Byron. I was the lucky one who got the middle seat, Yipee! So we talk. We fall asleep....for 30 minutes. We eat. And everyone around us falls asleep, but we are wide awake. We watch movies. We listen to music. This takes up about 2 1/2 hours of the 8 hour flight. So we watch another movie.... talk... listen to music, and finally just look at each other with pure sadness as we know we can't sleep. We try. We really do, but get nothing. Needless to say this was the part of the travel that started to go downhill. We make it to Nairobi. Wait about 45 minutes and board our next plane to Mwanza, Tanzania. By this point, I am fading... fast. Fortunately, the flight was a quick one (45 minutes) and we had room to wiggle. We make it to the Mwanza airport, which looks a lot like an airport you see in movies where the people land in the middle of nowhere, there's a makeshift building for the "airport", and sketchy feel to the air. The next step is to go through "customs", which was nothing like I expected. At the same time we are getting through the customs paperwork, I am a hawk on my bag. We were told before we left that when we got to Mwanza there would be guys at the airport wanting to carry our bags for us...and would then expect money or would steal it. With those thoughts in my mind, I wasn't going to lose sight of my bag; however, a few guys seemed very persistent on taking our bags. We tried to say no thanks, but it wasn't working. It wasn't until we got through customs that we were informed that the guys were with us (and we would grow to love these guys as great brothers in Christ). So we have made it! We are in Africa! We can now get to business, right? WRONG! We now load a bus to take an 8 hour drive to Mugumu, which is outside of the Serengeti National Park.
Things are cool for the first hour, but then I start to fade even more. My happy go lucky spirit has left me and I am just... MISERABLE. Our driver was perfecting his Nascar skills on unpaved, uneven, holey roads. We stopped for a bathroom break (You are probably wondering why this is even relevant... keep reading). When you are in the middle of Tanzania there aren't those gas stations to pull over and use the restroom; however, they do have an over abundance of squatty potties... you know the ones where you drop your pants, squat, and water the garden. The perfect hidden location was picked out (hidden doesn't mean we had our personal spaces; hidden just means we were apart from the guys and general public). We drop, we squat, and we were discovered by a random man walking the road. We laughed, we finished, and we left. Lunch was our stopping point and halfway point for the ride. This is where we started our first jump into a Tanzanian meal... chicken and lots of starches! Sounds exciting, at first! Fast forward several more hours and we make it to our hotel for the week. Don't get too excited. Yes, I was in a hotel, but get out the American image you have dancing in your head right now. It did have a bed, a toilet, and a shower (per se), so it was a luxury for the week.... and I am thankful.
So we all made it! We left on Thursday in America and it was now Saturday in Africa, but we made it! I showered, had dinner, and quickly tucked myself into bed. I needed sleep for the real adventure to begin!
What I learned about being 28 these days: Traveling sucks when you are in the middle seat!
**I did NOT think this post was going to be this long, especially since I didn't journal about it. It seems as I started to go through the course of the travel days things started flooding back.**
Also, I will come back and add pictures, as it is not cooperating right now.
Have you missed me?
I know, I know... I said I was going to do 365 days of being 28, and I got about day 23 before I fell off the face of the earth. Well, I am coming back... not sure in what form or fashion, but I am coming back. First, through letting you know that I am coming back....and second through talking about my trip to Africa. I have gone back and forth on how I want to share my stories, but really get stuck. Do I want to tell every little detail? Do I want to brush the surface to tickle the fancy of those who want to know, but really don't want to know? But how would I ever REALLY get all the stories out? So I decided on a better option. An option that would allow me to look back on this from years to come and remember what actually was going on in my mind as I was IN Africa...not reflecting about it afterwards. With that said, I have decided to just tell you about my experiences in Africa through what I was actually experiencing at the moment, so I have decided to share with you my journal entries. This will provide you with what was going on, and those who are interested can ask for more information. Now...sit back and relax as I prepare to AMAZE you by the power of God (I envisioned myself saying this as if I were a magician, so you do the same).
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Wonders of Wednesday (Day 24)
Okay... Today isn't about my wondering, but the wondering of my students. Hinges you should know... I truly believe question asking is key for student success. I'm constantly asking my students questions to get them thinking, which turns to them asking me a lot of wondering questions. Today, was no different. We were discussing current electricity and these are some of the wonderings my kiddos had:
- Why do people not let go of something if they are getting electrocuted?
- What would happen if I through a circuit in water?
- My dad messed with some of the wires in our fuse box. Do you think it's safe?
- What happens if you aren't close to a power station?
- I was watching this YouTube video of this guy wrapped in aluminum foil and holding these metal poles in a pool. He got the lightning to strike the pole. He went to touch a friend and it made him burst. (I quickly jumped in the conversation to end it, but he finished with the following statement.) Not like blown up, but shocked him really bad.
- Why does your phone stop working of you drop it in water?
These are just a few, but like I've said before I wish I had someone there to record my thoughts... And the thoughts of my kiddos. They truly have a wondering mind and I'm glad I foster their thinking by allowing them to ask questions.
What I've learned about being 28? Listening to the minds of kids is quite rejuvenating to this aging mind!
- Why do people not let go of something if they are getting electrocuted?
- What would happen if I through a circuit in water?
- My dad messed with some of the wires in our fuse box. Do you think it's safe?
- What happens if you aren't close to a power station?
- I was watching this YouTube video of this guy wrapped in aluminum foil and holding these metal poles in a pool. He got the lightning to strike the pole. He went to touch a friend and it made him burst. (I quickly jumped in the conversation to end it, but he finished with the following statement.) Not like blown up, but shocked him really bad.
- Why does your phone stop working of you drop it in water?
These are just a few, but like I've said before I wish I had someone there to record my thoughts... And the thoughts of my kiddos. They truly have a wondering mind and I'm glad I foster their thinking by allowing them to ask questions.
What I've learned about being 28? Listening to the minds of kids is quite rejuvenating to this aging mind!
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Tipful Tuesday...and it doesn't have to be for Tanzania! (Day 23)
Okay, I promised I would give you the info on what you should wear on an airplane. When we had our safety meeting at the church, an air marshall came to speak about all the "need to knows" about traveling. This ranged from the flight to hotel safety to getting kidnapped. Yes, I thought I was afraid of African animals until he spoke NOW I am worried about the flight. He spoke on airplane crashes and how many times people survive the crash, BUT die trying to get out... want to know why?!?!?!
Confused!?!? Let me explain. He stated that most people actually survive the initial crash, but are not able to get out of the plane, because as the plane crashes the passengers' arms go flying around and often hit the seat in front of them.... causing the person to break their wrist/hand...causing the person not to be able to undo their seat belt... causing the person to burn... causing the person to die. Pleasant, I know! There's a proper way to sit on the airplane. I tried to Google to see if I could find a picture (if you read my post from Sunday, I didn't use the voice feature) and I couldn't find one, so if you are really interested....let me know.
Are you wondering why this has anything to do with what I have to wear on the trip? Well, if you were fortunate to survive the initial crash of the plane... survive your hands not being crushed in order to open your seat belt....then you are ready to get out of the plane. YAY! However, we were told that if you happened to go comfy on the plane...say wearing something like this
You now have to worry about burning to death... Pleasant, I know. He said that many people wear the running suits, which are made out of nylon...which burns easily (think about what you do to the end of a rope when it's frayed). You're welcome for that visual! Now you shouldn't just stress over just what you are wearing in regards to clothes, you should fret over what you put on your feet. He said that many times people wear flip flops, which are comfortable, but when an accident occurs people who are wearing flip flops have to walk through the fires...causing burns...which often results in... DEATH!
Well, isn't this just a pleasant post!?!?! And just think, I didn't even tell you ALL the things that were shared with us. Hahaha. Really, it was an interesting meeting. Lots of information came out. Lots to think about as I prepare for this trip.
What I learned about being 28 today? That in order to get to 29 I may not want to wear a jogging suit and flip flops on my 17 hour flight...and 2 days of travel through Africa. Maybe I should invest in a NASCAR driver's suit. I hear they are flame retardant and could save me in a fire!
Confused!?!? Let me explain. He stated that most people actually survive the initial crash, but are not able to get out of the plane, because as the plane crashes the passengers' arms go flying around and often hit the seat in front of them.... causing the person to break their wrist/hand...causing the person not to be able to undo their seat belt... causing the person to burn... causing the person to die. Pleasant, I know! There's a proper way to sit on the airplane. I tried to Google to see if I could find a picture (if you read my post from Sunday, I didn't use the voice feature) and I couldn't find one, so if you are really interested....let me know.
Are you wondering why this has anything to do with what I have to wear on the trip? Well, if you were fortunate to survive the initial crash of the plane... survive your hands not being crushed in order to open your seat belt....then you are ready to get out of the plane. YAY! However, we were told that if you happened to go comfy on the plane...say wearing something like this
You now have to worry about burning to death... Pleasant, I know. He said that many people wear the running suits, which are made out of nylon...which burns easily (think about what you do to the end of a rope when it's frayed). You're welcome for that visual! Now you shouldn't just stress over just what you are wearing in regards to clothes, you should fret over what you put on your feet. He said that many times people wear flip flops, which are comfortable, but when an accident occurs people who are wearing flip flops have to walk through the fires...causing burns...which often results in... DEATH!
Well, isn't this just a pleasant post!?!?! And just think, I didn't even tell you ALL the things that were shared with us. Hahaha. Really, it was an interesting meeting. Lots of information came out. Lots to think about as I prepare for this trip.
What I learned about being 28 today? That in order to get to 29 I may not want to wear a jogging suit and flip flops on my 17 hour flight...and 2 days of travel through Africa. Maybe I should invest in a NASCAR driver's suit. I hear they are flame retardant and could save me in a fire!
Monday, April 1, 2013
Why have a name? (Day 22)
With Mondays not having a certain parameter to cover, it really leaves it open to talk about anything as long as I can get it to start with a "M", right? So what shall this Monday be...Marketing Monday? (not sure why this popped in my head) Mommy Monday? (shoot I need a kid) Monster Monday? (they sometimes feel like a monster) More Mondays? (not sure I want more Mondays) I think this week I will settle for Moments Monday. What does that mean? To me, it means those moments that I realize God has placed in a situation purposefully...this might mean I am in a place at just the right MOMENT... this might mean I am reading something at just the right MOMENT... this might mean I am engaged in a conversation at just the right MOMENT... this might mean that I hear PK's (the pastor of my church) message at just the right MOMENT. I didn't truly understand this concept of divine appointments until I gave my life to Christ (and I am still learning) ...until I started growing in my faith... until I started to slow down (which I am still learning to do) and look at all the MOMENTS in my life. Let me share some of my MOMENTS with you:
1. This is a journal entry I wrote last year while I was still in Colombia, South America on my first mission trip. I tried to journal each day about the things I did, so I could always go back and "relive" those MOMENTS. I don't want to say more, just let my thoughts of the day do the talking. (June 27, 2012)
Not on my watch!
On our last day ciudadela, we didn't have as much time because of the rain. Scarleth, my translator, and Juan Carlos, a member of the church we were working with, headed out for the an hour and half we had left before the I am second groups at the church. Juan Carlos took us to a house of a guy he knew growing up. Scarleth got from him before we sat down that he was already a Christian and active with his church. Honestly, I didn't think it was worth our time to sit down and talk, but we went in an sat down. We told him that we were going to share a tool he could use to continue sharing the Word with people. I started with my testimony and he was very receptive and appreciated me telling my story. I then moved into sharing the story of Christ using the cube. He was really into the illustration of the story, and it was probably the most interactive time I had with someone thus far. It made me rethink my initial thoughts of being at the house. I felt as I talked with him more, we were both benefiting from the talk and strengthening our faith. At the end of our talk, I asked him if there was anything we could pray for and he was quick to respond with his family (side note: I noticed throughout the week when this question was asked to the Colombian they were quick to respond with praying for everyone around them and then themselves quite humbling). When someone said to pray for their family because they weren't a Christian, we always asked if they loved close so we could go visit them. In this case, he made it seem like they were far away. So we prayed and started our way out of the house. As Scarleth and I were standing on the street talking and Juan Carlos was talking to the guy, a lady walked by. Scarleth told me that the guy said it was his daughter. We both looked at each other and knew we needed to share the story again. She told us she had some time to talk, so we started the story on the streets in front of her dad's house. Her husband called after her and she told us that she'd be right back. Standing in the street waiting, a couple with a small baby passed by and went to the guy's house. Guess who that was... The other daughter! Talk about divine appointments!!! We were able to go back on the porch , talk, and lead the two sisters and the husband to Christ. As Scarleth was telling them about Yo Soy Seguendo (I am second), I couldn't help think about the first hour we spent talking to the dad and how at first I thought we were spending too much time there, but had we left earlier we would not have passed the sisters. God knows when and where he wants us to be, and I realize (yet again) that He is in charge of where my time is best spent. I look forward to more of God's timing.
2. As I have mentioned, I am currently in two church small groups this semester. While it can be cumbersome, I LOVE it. I am growing my faith. I am growing my relationships with other Christians. I am growing as an individual. It seems in these MOMENTS with these groups or in the reading, I come across things that seem to answer or provide support for the turbulence I am going through in life at the moment... Here are a few that have been perfect for the MOMENT:
3. Really there are so many MOMENTS I can talk about, but I think I will stop with the ones above for now, in order to... reflect on them... be thankful for them... rejoice in knowing God provides these MOMENTS to EVERYONE (believer or non-believer). He provides the MOMENTS....and we should be thankful.
What I have learned about being 28 today? 28 can and does SUCK sometimes; however, I can choose to be thankful for the good and bad MOMENTS. He provides the MOMENTS...and I should be thankful He continues to give me those MOMENTS.
1. This is a journal entry I wrote last year while I was still in Colombia, South America on my first mission trip. I tried to journal each day about the things I did, so I could always go back and "relive" those MOMENTS. I don't want to say more, just let my thoughts of the day do the talking. (June 27, 2012)
Not on my watch!
On our last day ciudadela, we didn't have as much time because of the rain. Scarleth, my translator, and Juan Carlos, a member of the church we were working with, headed out for the an hour and half we had left before the I am second groups at the church. Juan Carlos took us to a house of a guy he knew growing up. Scarleth got from him before we sat down that he was already a Christian and active with his church. Honestly, I didn't think it was worth our time to sit down and talk, but we went in an sat down. We told him that we were going to share a tool he could use to continue sharing the Word with people. I started with my testimony and he was very receptive and appreciated me telling my story. I then moved into sharing the story of Christ using the cube. He was really into the illustration of the story, and it was probably the most interactive time I had with someone thus far. It made me rethink my initial thoughts of being at the house. I felt as I talked with him more, we were both benefiting from the talk and strengthening our faith. At the end of our talk, I asked him if there was anything we could pray for and he was quick to respond with his family (side note: I noticed throughout the week when this question was asked to the Colombian they were quick to respond with praying for everyone around them and then themselves quite humbling). When someone said to pray for their family because they weren't a Christian, we always asked if they loved close so we could go visit them. In this case, he made it seem like they were far away. So we prayed and started our way out of the house. As Scarleth and I were standing on the street talking and Juan Carlos was talking to the guy, a lady walked by. Scarleth told me that the guy said it was his daughter. We both looked at each other and knew we needed to share the story again. She told us she had some time to talk, so we started the story on the streets in front of her dad's house. Her husband called after her and she told us that she'd be right back. Standing in the street waiting, a couple with a small baby passed by and went to the guy's house. Guess who that was... The other daughter! Talk about divine appointments!!! We were able to go back on the porch , talk, and lead the two sisters and the husband to Christ. As Scarleth was telling them about Yo Soy Seguendo (I am second), I couldn't help think about the first hour we spent talking to the dad and how at first I thought we were spending too much time there, but had we left earlier we would not have passed the sisters. God knows when and where he wants us to be, and I realize (yet again) that He is in charge of where my time is best spent. I look forward to more of God's timing.
2. As I have mentioned, I am currently in two church small groups this semester. While it can be cumbersome, I LOVE it. I am growing my faith. I am growing my relationships with other Christians. I am growing as an individual. It seems in these MOMENTS with these groups or in the reading, I come across things that seem to answer or provide support for the turbulence I am going through in life at the moment... Here are a few that have been perfect for the MOMENT:
3. Really there are so many MOMENTS I can talk about, but I think I will stop with the ones above for now, in order to... reflect on them... be thankful for them... rejoice in knowing God provides these MOMENTS to EVERYONE (believer or non-believer). He provides the MOMENTS....and we should be thankful.
What I have learned about being 28 today? 28 can and does SUCK sometimes; however, I can choose to be thankful for the good and bad MOMENTS. He provides the MOMENTS...and I should be thankful He continues to give me those MOMENTS.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
I can't make this stuff up! Snapshot Sunday (Day 21)
Okay... this day is supposed to be a day with little words. I am supposed to allow the pictures to do the talking; however, I think it is necessary at times to have captions and some of my Sunday Snapshots NEED a caption:
Yep, let that picture soak in. I know you are probably shocked...Flabbergasted that I would put this up here, but this blog is about me being honest, real, and myself. Are you wondering why I was googling "penis your tips"? Well let me explain... In true Jessica fashion, I decided to wait until the day a paper was due to start writing it. Nope, my paper was NOT about a penis or tips, it was actually about creating a curriculum development schedule. As I was writing my paper, I wanted to look something up on my phone. A friend recently made me download the Google app on my phone and showed me the voice I whip out my phone (no pun intended) to use my cool voice feature. I say "initiatives".... look down and in the search box I see "penis your tips." I truly can't make this stuff up! It made me laugh. It forced me to take a snap shot and send it to friends. It called for me to put it on this blog. You're welcome!
Who's church doesn't have a mariachi band playing on Easter Sunday on the bridge to get to church? If yours didn't, you should check out my church!
Yep, let that picture soak in. I know you are probably shocked...Flabbergasted that I would put this up here, but this blog is about me being honest, real, and myself. Are you wondering why I was googling "penis your tips"? Well let me explain... In true Jessica fashion, I decided to wait until the day a paper was due to start writing it. Nope, my paper was NOT about a penis or tips, it was actually about creating a curriculum development schedule. As I was writing my paper, I wanted to look something up on my phone. A friend recently made me download the Google app on my phone and showed me the voice I whip out my phone (no pun intended) to use my cool voice feature. I say "initiatives".... look down and in the search box I see "penis your tips." I truly can't make this stuff up! It made me laugh. It forced me to take a snap shot and send it to friends. It called for me to put it on this blog. You're welcome!
Who's church doesn't have a mariachi band playing on Easter Sunday on the bridge to get to church? If yours didn't, you should check out my church!
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Here it is again... (Day 20)
......... what do I have to report today on Sweating it Saturdays!?!? That the same thing has occurred. Work is time consuming. School is time consuming. And I am good at making excuses. Need I say anything more?
There's always next Saturday, but I have a feeling with the week and weekend I have coming up....that will be nonexistent, again. Dear God rescue me!
Things I know about 28: It's tough.... Just as tough as 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21,.... were but I can BE tough to get through the hard things. I can. I will. I hope.
......... what do I have to report today on Sweating it Saturdays!?!? That the same thing has occurred. Work is time consuming. School is time consuming. And I am good at making excuses. Need I say anything more?
There's always next Saturday, but I have a feeling with the week and weekend I have coming up....that will be nonexistent, again. Dear God rescue me!
Things I know about 28: It's tough.... Just as tough as 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21,.... were but I can BE tough to get through the hard things. I can. I will. I hope.
Friday, March 29, 2013
Faith and Eggs (Day 19)
So today was a fun day. Not only was it Good Friday and a day off, but it was the Egg Drop Challenge. Jordan and Sandra geared up their kids to having a egg drop challenge on the day we were out of school. It was time for us to get together (and for the kids) to have a fun time together. I truly had this grand plan to go to Wal-Mart and get the best things to make my egg drop THE I could beat the KIDS. Yep, I am that kinda of person. Life had other ideas, as I was CRAZY busy with work and school. Needless to say, I got nervous when I saw Thursday night that Sandra and her kiddos had already constructed their egg drop contraption... I also called her a cheater. let me get back on track. Friday morning comes and I head on over to Jordan's, where I am greeted with the kids at the door blowing up balloons to make their egg drop device. I quickly panic and decide to grab a couple of things to make it happen. What do I grab... a diaper, yarn, a plastic cup, a trash bag, and tape. Worked my mad skills and ended up with this....
So we were all ready to go! I had my egg, also known as Eggdar, ready to go. Not going to lie, I didn't think I had a chance.....
As you can see Eggdar survived!
So we decided to go to bigger and better places... I mean we needed eggs to die here! We packed up the car and headed to the park. My mission was to win; however, once we got to the park, the kids mission was to play... I just wasn't having that! We climb to the top of the playground set, which gave us a higher altitude than the top of the stairs. We all drop and....... .NOTHING they all survived! What can we do to make these eggs die!?!?!? Take off all the parachutes! Okay, this has GOT to work. I mean they have nothing to break their fall. One of the eggs will surely die! I will go ahead and tell you, they didn't. They all survived. I was disappointed. But we had fun. so we let the kids play and the adult girls talk. I must say, I am thankful for my growth in faith. My new and blossoming life has allowed me to come into contact with some AMAZING people! Two of them being Jordan and Sandra. We had a great time talking about kids... guys... and life. It was nice to have some voices of reason! (Thank you ladies) As the temperature started to drop, it was time to get the kids all back and go warm we went to get ICE CREAM! Yep, who doesn't do that!
What did I learn about being 28 today? I am still a kid at heart, and I hope I never lose that since of wonder, excitement, and imagination! Oh, I also have some pretty cool friends!
So we were all ready to go! I had my egg, also known as Eggdar, ready to go. Not going to lie, I didn't think I had a chance.....
As you can see Eggdar survived!
So we decided to go to bigger and better places... I mean we needed eggs to die here! We packed up the car and headed to the park. My mission was to win; however, once we got to the park, the kids mission was to play... I just wasn't having that! We climb to the top of the playground set, which gave us a higher altitude than the top of the stairs. We all drop and....... .NOTHING they all survived! What can we do to make these eggs die!?!?!? Take off all the parachutes! Okay, this has GOT to work. I mean they have nothing to break their fall. One of the eggs will surely die! I will go ahead and tell you, they didn't. They all survived. I was disappointed. But we had fun. so we let the kids play and the adult girls talk. I must say, I am thankful for my growth in faith. My new and blossoming life has allowed me to come into contact with some AMAZING people! Two of them being Jordan and Sandra. We had a great time talking about kids... guys... and life. It was nice to have some voices of reason! (Thank you ladies) As the temperature started to drop, it was time to get the kids all back and go warm we went to get ICE CREAM! Yep, who doesn't do that!
What did I learn about being 28 today? I am still a kid at heart, and I hope I never lose that since of wonder, excitement, and imagination! Oh, I also have some pretty cool friends!
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Throwback to 18
So it's day 18 of being 28, so I thought it was only fun to go back to being 18.... then I realized I was disturbingly gross at 18, so I decided to throw back to a conversation my brother and I had during the Teacher of the Year banquet this year. I am just going to make this fun. You can decide for yourself, which comments are mine and which ones are Jeremy's, enjoy!
What I learned about being 28 today? I am glad I have mature older brothers to look up to. It really shows me what 29 will look like when I get to being his age. :)
What I learned about being 28 today? I am glad I have mature older brothers to look up to. It really shows me what 29 will look like when I get to being his age. :)
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Day 17-And they keep coming...
It's a great day... it's Wondering Wednesday! I need to get better at this. I need to start carrying paper with me. I need to REALLY write down the things I wonder throughout the day. I wonder when I will start. I wonder.
Wonderings about being 28... life was easier at 8.
Wonderings about being 28... life was easier at 8.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Tanzania Tuesdays (Day 16)
African Cats....
Duct Tape Style. I probably wouldn't mind them so much if they came in this form.
I did however get confirmation on a few things this week in regards to my trip to Tanzania:
- We will not be sleeping in tents. This has been the question I have asked at every single meeting and never seemed to get a response; however, I spoke with the e3 lady this week and she confirmed we will actually get to sleep in a hotel.
- The flight is roughly 17 hours...the trip from the airport to where we are going is 2 days. We were told to wear comfy clothes. Simple... NOT! We recently had a meeting with 12Stone and a air marshall who spoke to us on travel safety. He spoke on things from safety on airplanes (and during a crash) to what you should do if you get kidnapped. So how does this have anything to do with what I wear?!?! Well, tune in next week to hear ALL about what to do on an airplane to be safe!
- There's a good chance we will be working with a new church to build its children's ministry. SUPER excited about that!
- And probably the most important thing I learned with talking to Kathie from e3. I probably will NOT get attacked by African cats; however, she did tell me that the tribe we will be working with suffered great losses in prior years from their crops being trampled on by.... AFRICAN ELEPHANTS! I guess you can say I have a new African animal to fear!
So let me get real here.... I still have a LOT of money to raise. I still have a LOT of prayers that need to take place. I have only raised about 25% of the funds, which isn't good since I was suppose to have half of it by March 19th. So I guess this is my plea and cry for support. Really any amount can and does help...and is greatly appreciated! You can go directly to the online giving page, which is included below and select the Tanzania trip leaving May 23rd and my name...
As for prayers in regards to this trip:
- Pray for God to shine light on exactly what He wants us to do while we are there and He provides us with what we need to do to prepare for His mission
- Pray for the people we are going to be working with in Tanzania.
- Pray for our team as we continue to prepare both financially, spiritually, mentally, and physically for this trip.
- Pray for the e3 leaders who we will be working with (many are just getting back from Africa this past week)
- Pray that God softens and opens my heart and eyes to what He needs me to do individually to prepare for this trip.
- Praise God for allowing me the opportunity to be a voice to His Kingdom.
- Praise to those who will get to hear the Word of God.
- Praise to those who are willing to support both through prayers and funds the trip to Tanzania.
What I have learned about being 28? While I often think things are about me....they are NOT! There's a bigger world than the great city of Grayson, Georgia. God offers more to me than I can imagine; therefore, I must humble myself to truly appreciate the gifts He gives me.
Duct Tape Style. I probably wouldn't mind them so much if they came in this form.
I did however get confirmation on a few things this week in regards to my trip to Tanzania:
- We will not be sleeping in tents. This has been the question I have asked at every single meeting and never seemed to get a response; however, I spoke with the e3 lady this week and she confirmed we will actually get to sleep in a hotel.
- The flight is roughly 17 hours...the trip from the airport to where we are going is 2 days. We were told to wear comfy clothes. Simple... NOT! We recently had a meeting with 12Stone and a air marshall who spoke to us on travel safety. He spoke on things from safety on airplanes (and during a crash) to what you should do if you get kidnapped. So how does this have anything to do with what I wear?!?! Well, tune in next week to hear ALL about what to do on an airplane to be safe!
- There's a good chance we will be working with a new church to build its children's ministry. SUPER excited about that!
- And probably the most important thing I learned with talking to Kathie from e3. I probably will NOT get attacked by African cats; however, she did tell me that the tribe we will be working with suffered great losses in prior years from their crops being trampled on by.... AFRICAN ELEPHANTS! I guess you can say I have a new African animal to fear!
So let me get real here.... I still have a LOT of money to raise. I still have a LOT of prayers that need to take place. I have only raised about 25% of the funds, which isn't good since I was suppose to have half of it by March 19th. So I guess this is my plea and cry for support. Really any amount can and does help...and is greatly appreciated! You can go directly to the online giving page, which is included below and select the Tanzania trip leaving May 23rd and my name...
As for prayers in regards to this trip:
- Pray for God to shine light on exactly what He wants us to do while we are there and He provides us with what we need to do to prepare for His mission
- Pray for the people we are going to be working with in Tanzania.
- Pray for our team as we continue to prepare both financially, spiritually, mentally, and physically for this trip.
- Pray for the e3 leaders who we will be working with (many are just getting back from Africa this past week)
- Pray that God softens and opens my heart and eyes to what He needs me to do individually to prepare for this trip.
- Praise God for allowing me the opportunity to be a voice to His Kingdom.
- Praise to those who will get to hear the Word of God.
- Praise to those who are willing to support both through prayers and funds the trip to Tanzania.
What I have learned about being 28? While I often think things are about me....they are NOT! There's a bigger world than the great city of Grayson, Georgia. God offers more to me than I can imagine; therefore, I must humble myself to truly appreciate the gifts He gives me.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Moron Monday (Day 15)
Since Mondays do not have a name yet... I decided to give this Monday to the morons of the world. So here we go...
If you weren't aware, I am single. Shocker, I know! Anyways, I dabble in online dating from time-to-time. It really is quite an art...a jungle...and many times a terrible tragedy! Well, recently I stumbled across this delicacy of aman boy. Let me set the seen for you... the moron's guy's profile picture is the epic douchebag picture... you know what I am talking about. Come on, you know the guy working out at the gym and believes he is looking great, so he takes a picture of himself flexing in the mirrors at the gym and snaps a mirror picture. It gets me every time (insert sarcasm here). While I worry over this guy using this picture as his profile picture, I am quickly amused to see he has MANY of these great pictures in his photo album. I know, you are thinking I must be interested since I looked in the album. Believe me a girl can go to a bad store and still window shop....there was not committed taken. So you may be wondering how this guy is such a moron with just gym mirror pictures...Well let me welcome you to his profile....
Let me tell you, if this is Prince Charming I will remain single FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE! Thank you God for reminding me often that I am a good catch and that I mustn't settle!
What have I learned about being 28 today? While I had dreams when I was younger of being 28 married with little kids, I have learned from actually being 28 that it's okay to be single, especially when the pickings are slim. :)
If you weren't aware, I am single. Shocker, I know! Anyways, I dabble in online dating from time-to-time. It really is quite an art...a jungle...and many times a terrible tragedy! Well, recently I stumbled across this delicacy of a
Let me tell you, if this is Prince Charming I will remain single FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE! Thank you God for reminding me often that I am a good catch and that I mustn't settle!
What have I learned about being 28 today? While I had dreams when I was younger of being 28 married with little kids, I have learned from actually being 28 that it's okay to be single, especially when the pickings are slim. :)
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Snapshot Sunday (Day 14)
For the first time since deciding about going to Africa I had dreams about the pleasant things that are going to happen....and not just the cats.
What I learned about being 28? Dreams are great! I hope I always have them. I hope I always remember them. I hope...because I dream!
What I learned about being 28? Dreams are great! I hope I always have them. I hope I always remember them. I hope...because I dream!
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Sweating Saturday?!?!?! (Day 13)
Really!?!?!? Who's idea was this to write on Saturdays about my fitness!?!?! It was a TERRIBLE idea! I hate strongly dislike the person who came up with that idea! Why, you ask. Well, it's because I did NOTHING in regards to fitness this week. Honestly, I do NOT know what's going to light the fire under my butt to get me up and going!! I know you are thinking I need an accountability partner... I've tried. I need to get on a plan... I've tried. I need to want it for myself.. I thought I did.
Really, if you can help me find the motivation I need to get me up and going....please send it my way! PLEASE!
It's hard getting sweaty when my tush is on the couch!
So what do I have to report about my fitness this week... I SUCK! This seems to be a common situation this week!
Better luck next week!
Really, if you can help me find the motivation I need to get me up and going....please send it my way! PLEASE!
It's hard getting sweaty when my tush is on the couch!
So what do I have to report about my fitness this week... I SUCK! This seems to be a common situation this week!
Better luck next week!
Friday, March 22, 2013
Faith...and Friday (Day 12)
Today's daily devotional was about facing temptation...
...yeah, the pause was needed there, because honestly lately I have succumbed to some of the worldly temptations. I won't go into detail, but that's partially the sucky days previously. I am still amazed at how God puts the right passage in your life at just the right time. He KNOWS what I's enlightening and FRIGHTENING. I kind of think of it as one of those Godly nudges...It's His nice way of saying straighten up. I welcome them... I fear them...but I am thankful He doesn't stop giving them to me.
Here's a few of my favorite parts of the devotional, which stemmed from Psalm 81:16
- How often have you neglected the place of blessing? There is a counsel and comfort in God's Word but you have spent little time reading it. There are rich mercies to be found at the throne of grace but you have neglected prayer. There are joys and blessings to be found in God's house but you have been attracted by the empty promises of the world.
- The next time you are facing temptation to sin or to squander God's blessings, remember this: God is willing and able to bless his people. Today, heed his call to return. Call upon Him, knowing He is willing to hear and ready to bless.
What have I learned about being 28 today? That things do not get easier....that they especially do not get easier if I don't place God at the forefront of my decisions... That I've got to call upon God in my times of temptation (and every other time) to bless me with better decisions...That I don't have all the answers, but He does.
...yeah, the pause was needed there, because honestly lately I have succumbed to some of the worldly temptations. I won't go into detail, but that's partially the sucky days previously. I am still amazed at how God puts the right passage in your life at just the right time. He KNOWS what I's enlightening and FRIGHTENING. I kind of think of it as one of those Godly nudges...It's His nice way of saying straighten up. I welcome them... I fear them...but I am thankful He doesn't stop giving them to me.
Here's a few of my favorite parts of the devotional, which stemmed from Psalm 81:16
- How often have you neglected the place of blessing? There is a counsel and comfort in God's Word but you have spent little time reading it. There are rich mercies to be found at the throne of grace but you have neglected prayer. There are joys and blessings to be found in God's house but you have been attracted by the empty promises of the world.
- The next time you are facing temptation to sin or to squander God's blessings, remember this: God is willing and able to bless his people. Today, heed his call to return. Call upon Him, knowing He is willing to hear and ready to bless.
What have I learned about being 28 today? That things do not get easier....that they especially do not get easier if I don't place God at the forefront of my decisions... That I've got to call upon God in my times of temptation (and every other time) to bless me with better decisions...That I don't have all the answers, but He does.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Throwback to before 28 (Day 11)
I came across this picture just the other day when I was looking through the picture album my mom gave me when I was back home. Many were pictures from my college/sorority days (I am sure some of them will make Throwback Thursdays), but this gem was hidden in the mix. It was a tad bittersweet. Just recently losing my Nana, it was hard to see this picture. I miss her.. I miss Granddad... I miss the fun times we had in Georgia and Marco Island.... I miss the radiance their loving relationship had on the people around them. I've always told myself that I want a love like Nana and Granddad had for one another. It was like everyday was their first date. I miss the songs Granddad would sing to me... I miss the milkshakes Nana would make us, especially if they were banana, because it meant extra for me and Jeremy since Jason didn't like them. I miss the rides on the boat to find our own little island to eat lunch and fish. The list of things I miss when I think of these two wonderful people could go on forever, but while I miss these things I am thankful for so much more. I am thankful Granddad made us try something yucky before we had our "normal" food. I am thankful Nana taught my brothers and I the importance of loving and looking after one another. I am thankful for the adventures they took us on that I can share with my kids. I am thankful for the family!
So what have I learned at 28 and 11 days... I have truly been blessed by some amazing people. God selected my Nana and Granddad especially for me and my brothers. He knew what we needed. He knew that these people would leave a positive lasting effect on our lives. He designed them to love us unconditionally. He provided me with the heart to be thankful for their love.
So what have I learned at 28 and 11 days... I have truly been blessed by some amazing people. God selected my Nana and Granddad especially for me and my brothers. He knew what we needed. He knew that these people would leave a positive lasting effect on our lives. He designed them to love us unconditionally. He provided me with the heart to be thankful for their love.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
The wondering mind of a 28 years 10 days person.
I really wish I had someone to narrate my life...or more importantly, my thoughts. I truly catch myself off guard on some of the things I wonder. Case in point, as I was driving around town and the wind was blowing I couldn't help but wonder about traffic lights...and how many traffic lights fall on average...and how many people die because a traffic light falls. Crazy, I know! However this is something I truly wonder. I spoke with a friend about this and he completely thought I was crazy, and dismissed my idea of traffic light falling deaths because said there were safety measures in place to ensure it wouldn't fall; however, this answer was not good enough for I decided to research the topic, and you want to know what I found out..........
............ absolutely NOTHING! I found FAQ on how many traffic lights were in New York City...the actual name of the little icon on the walk traffic lights work... how to request a traffic light...if traffic lights are the solution to traffic congestion. Basically, EVERYTHING expect how many people die from a traffic light falling. Moral of the story: I need to find better things to wonder!
............ absolutely NOTHING! I found FAQ on how many traffic lights were in New York City...the actual name of the little icon on the walk traffic lights work... how to request a traffic light...if traffic lights are the solution to traffic congestion. Basically, EVERYTHING expect how many people die from a traffic light falling. Moral of the story: I need to find better things to wonder!
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
African Cats (Day 9)
Tanzania Tuesday...
If you are one of my close friends you probably laughed when you read the title of this post. If you didn't laugh, let me catch you up. Back in the fall, information was surfacing about mission trips for the upcoming year. I knew I was being called to go on another mission trip, and honestly felt my heart was calling me to go to Colombia, South America again. It was an amazing experience last year, and I absolutely fell in love with the people and the work going on there; however, God had another plan for me. After a bonfire with the singles community from my church, I realized that at my age (which was still 27) I shouldn't get stuck to one country. This is the time to experience different countries and cultures....and so Tanzania, Africa was the result. Exciting, I know!
With that said,
If you are one of my close friends you probably laughed when you read the title of this post. If you didn't laugh, let me catch you up. Back in the fall, information was surfacing about mission trips for the upcoming year. I knew I was being called to go on another mission trip, and honestly felt my heart was calling me to go to Colombia, South America again. It was an amazing experience last year, and I absolutely fell in love with the people and the work going on there; however, God had another plan for me. After a bonfire with the singles community from my church, I realized that at my age (which was still 27) I shouldn't get stuck to one country. This is the time to experience different countries and cultures....and so Tanzania, Africa was the result. Exciting, I know!
So I know you are wondering where the funny comes here we go. Since my decision to go to Africa was finalized, I have had a weird obsession with watching various TV shows about African animals, specifically the African cats.
I have scared myself more by watching these shows. I worry more about the African cats than about some jungle mafia taking me hostage. I tell myself I need to stop watching the shows, but catch myself watching them over and over again. Honestly, I watched African Cats the entire time I was putting my support letters together... ironic, maybe?
They truly are beautiful animals, but in the back of my head I have this tragic scene in my head.....
African Cats are a source of fear for me in terms of the mission trip, but honestly the cost of the trip has raised my blood pressure a little bit too. I know, I know, I am suppose to put my trust in God that the money will come and the trip will happen, but it would be silly for to say that I don't worry about the cost. The trip is almost double the cost of last year's trip, and I am not getting the feedback from support letters like I did last year. Today, I am suppose to have $1900 raised to pay for my ticket. I am roughly $600 from that goal. It's a lot, but I keep putting my trust in God that everything will come through. I know that leaning into Him and praying for his guidance in support then the money will get there...somehow...and in some way.
With that said,

The best way to contribute financially to my trip is by visiting the following website:
Select the Tanzania Trip leaving on May 23rd
Select my name
And donate away.
What 28 means today... I am still a little kid at heart! I mean really, who worries about the African Cats!?!? Side note: When my nephew and I were watching Madagascar 3, the opening scene is where the animals are still in Tanzania, Africa. I told Hudson that I was going to Africa, and his response, "To see talking animals?"...."Yep to see talking animals"....or animals that eat me!
I also think this is appropriate:
Monday, March 18, 2013
Day 8 of 28 SUCKS!
Not going to lie (not that I do, but felt it was relevant to say that there)....the last couple of days have SUCKED! It seems like I am playing a constant game of catch up. I am playing a constant game of building myself up. I am playing a constant game of pity party. I am playing a constant game of things just suck right now and nothing is going to change.
Yep, I just had myself a little rant... a rant to say how bad things SUCK right now...but you know what!?!? I know exactly why the stars are not lining up correctly. Why my life isn't going smoothly... Why things just SUCK right now... I have lost my spiritual foundation the last couple of days. I have let the worldly concerns and commotions influence me lately... I have strayed away from being active in my daily devotional and my small group readings. Now, don't get me wrong those things don't put me on some crazy Christian high, but they do seem to calm my nerves on the days that try to suck. I have a sounding board to boast me when things aren't going right. And honestly, God has a hard time guiding me down the right path if I am too busy trying to drive my own car without a navigation system.
So what am I going to do about this SUCKY feeling...the only thing I know to do... pray and get in His Word.
On a side note, I know I have SUCKed (yep, had the chance to use the word again) the last couple of days with posting each day. Honestly, it is hard sometimes to be consistent when I don't have something profound to write about, because some days I really do not think you guys want to know what my day was would get boring fast and you would no longer wonder why I am still single. :) With that said, I think I am going to institute a catchy phrase for each day and will stick to writing along those lines; however, the posts will conclude with some "What 28 was like today..." response. So here's my ideas (some have been stolen):
Snapshot Sunday: A picture is worth a thousand words, they say. So I am going to use my Sundays to give a snapshot into my world...this may mean less words and more pictures.
Monday: Ummmmm....not going to lie, I have nothing creative or catchy for Mondays, so this will be a work in progress...if you have any suggestions, feel free to share
Tanzania Tuesday: (Warning: This will change after I get back from Africa) I need to prepare myself for the trip to Africa...what better way then to get to know the culture, the people, and the work I will be doing there. This will also be a chance for me to fill you in on how things are progressing for the trip.
Wondering Wednesday: I think...a lot! But I also have constant wondering of things, so I am going to devote Wednesdays to my wonders that I have throughout the day and/or week.
Throwback Thursday: Yeah, my blog is about moving into the future, but so much of what we are today is what happened to us yesterday (and further back). I will spend this time to recount stories and pictures of the past that make me the 28 year old I am today.
Faithful Friday: I am going to use this to express how my faith has moved me this week... give any insights on my readings, devotionals, or other items that I feel I should put out there for others to see how things are moving for me.
Sweating Saturday: This blog has three parts... Faith..Fitness...Future, and as many of you know the fitness has been lacking. I am going to devote my Saturdays to reflecting on how I tested my fitness that week. I will challenge myself to be brutally honest to confess my workouts and my eating habits for the week. Maybe this will kick me into high gear again!
Now, these ideas will not necessarily rope me down to only covering the topics at hand...also, it doesn't mean I can't have an additional post that allows me to rant on something else. I just think this will give me more direction on the days I am having trouble getting something out.
So what has 28 been like for me 8 days in? I think you can tell from the title of this blog.... IT SUCKS!!
Yep, I just had myself a little rant... a rant to say how bad things SUCK right now...but you know what!?!? I know exactly why the stars are not lining up correctly. Why my life isn't going smoothly... Why things just SUCK right now... I have lost my spiritual foundation the last couple of days. I have let the worldly concerns and commotions influence me lately... I have strayed away from being active in my daily devotional and my small group readings. Now, don't get me wrong those things don't put me on some crazy Christian high, but they do seem to calm my nerves on the days that try to suck. I have a sounding board to boast me when things aren't going right. And honestly, God has a hard time guiding me down the right path if I am too busy trying to drive my own car without a navigation system.
So what am I going to do about this SUCKY feeling...the only thing I know to do... pray and get in His Word.
On a side note, I know I have SUCKed (yep, had the chance to use the word again) the last couple of days with posting each day. Honestly, it is hard sometimes to be consistent when I don't have something profound to write about, because some days I really do not think you guys want to know what my day was would get boring fast and you would no longer wonder why I am still single. :) With that said, I think I am going to institute a catchy phrase for each day and will stick to writing along those lines; however, the posts will conclude with some "What 28 was like today..." response. So here's my ideas (some have been stolen):
Snapshot Sunday: A picture is worth a thousand words, they say. So I am going to use my Sundays to give a snapshot into my world...this may mean less words and more pictures.
Monday: Ummmmm....not going to lie, I have nothing creative or catchy for Mondays, so this will be a work in progress...if you have any suggestions, feel free to share
Tanzania Tuesday: (Warning: This will change after I get back from Africa) I need to prepare myself for the trip to Africa...what better way then to get to know the culture, the people, and the work I will be doing there. This will also be a chance for me to fill you in on how things are progressing for the trip.
Wondering Wednesday: I think...a lot! But I also have constant wondering of things, so I am going to devote Wednesdays to my wonders that I have throughout the day and/or week.
Throwback Thursday: Yeah, my blog is about moving into the future, but so much of what we are today is what happened to us yesterday (and further back). I will spend this time to recount stories and pictures of the past that make me the 28 year old I am today.
Faithful Friday: I am going to use this to express how my faith has moved me this week... give any insights on my readings, devotionals, or other items that I feel I should put out there for others to see how things are moving for me.
Sweating Saturday: This blog has three parts... Faith..Fitness...Future, and as many of you know the fitness has been lacking. I am going to devote my Saturdays to reflecting on how I tested my fitness that week. I will challenge myself to be brutally honest to confess my workouts and my eating habits for the week. Maybe this will kick me into high gear again!
Now, these ideas will not necessarily rope me down to only covering the topics at hand...also, it doesn't mean I can't have an additional post that allows me to rant on something else. I just think this will give me more direction on the days I am having trouble getting something out.
So what has 28 been like for me 8 days in? I think you can tell from the title of this blog.... IT SUCKS!!
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Day 6 and 7...
Sooooo.... I am a day behind. I know, I can't slip up already, but it was a busy day on Saturday from sun up to sun down. There's nothing like waking up early on your off day, NOT! It was a fun day filled with judging kiddos competing in the Odyssey of the Mind competition. A small shout out to my friends, Amy and Jennifer, for their 5th grade team winning a BIG award at the competition! I am also proud of my past and current students who competed this weekend. These competitions take a lot of time and preparation....and they all worked hard to get to this point.
Now on to Sunday...I've laid around most of the day dealing with a bad headache, but it has been a day of LOTS of thinking...kinda like everyday. But here's what's on my mind:
- Why do I fall into the trap of bad mistakes? It seems like when I am chugging along on the good road there's a traffic stop that puts me on a delay of achieving what I really want out of life...including my spiritual life. I know temptations won't stop, but how I do stop and control my own actions?
- Africa...Yeah, I leave for Tanzania in a little more than 2 months...not going to lie. I am anxious about raising the funds and the preparation for the trip (but I plan to make an Africa post in the next couple of days).
- I talked about timing the other day, but it seems to come up over and over again. Case in point...the other day a certain person came across my mind. Thought about contacting them, but realized I didn't need to walk back through that door again. Then I wake up this morning with a from a message from that person. It brought a smile to my face, but also kinda scares me. Is this another road block on my journey to something else? Or is this part of the good journey? I know I shouldn't and won't rush into things, but should I even go into things that I have experienced before...
- As a teacher this is the time of the year that's crazy! We are trying to prepare for testing and our minds are wondering about what's going to happen next year. As for preparing for the test, I am trying not to stress about the things I still need to cover. I know it's crazy to cover the things we have to cover in the time frame we are to cover them; however, teachers do this each and every year without fail. I am proud to be in a profession that deals with problems each and every moment of the day (yep, we are working even when we aren't in the walls of a school building) to bring about a growing generation. We not only have to tackle the standards, but we have to be moms, counselors, nurses, and friends to these kids. We truly are a profession like no other!
- Fitness and health. I said this was going to be an avenue for me to begin focusing on it, but I have done nothing to start that. I must...and will start soon!
- It's Sunday...and I didn't really have a weekend! Full, regular days at school this week. It is going to be weird for me and the students, so I must plan accordingly. It's going to be fun.
So what has being 28 meant the last couple of days!?!? I am still just as confused with things happening in year 28 as I was in year 27....HELP!!!
Now on to Sunday...I've laid around most of the day dealing with a bad headache, but it has been a day of LOTS of thinking...kinda like everyday. But here's what's on my mind:
- Why do I fall into the trap of bad mistakes? It seems like when I am chugging along on the good road there's a traffic stop that puts me on a delay of achieving what I really want out of life...including my spiritual life. I know temptations won't stop, but how I do stop and control my own actions?
- Africa...Yeah, I leave for Tanzania in a little more than 2 months...not going to lie. I am anxious about raising the funds and the preparation for the trip (but I plan to make an Africa post in the next couple of days).
- I talked about timing the other day, but it seems to come up over and over again. Case in point...the other day a certain person came across my mind. Thought about contacting them, but realized I didn't need to walk back through that door again. Then I wake up this morning with a from a message from that person. It brought a smile to my face, but also kinda scares me. Is this another road block on my journey to something else? Or is this part of the good journey? I know I shouldn't and won't rush into things, but should I even go into things that I have experienced before...
- As a teacher this is the time of the year that's crazy! We are trying to prepare for testing and our minds are wondering about what's going to happen next year. As for preparing for the test, I am trying not to stress about the things I still need to cover. I know it's crazy to cover the things we have to cover in the time frame we are to cover them; however, teachers do this each and every year without fail. I am proud to be in a profession that deals with problems each and every moment of the day (yep, we are working even when we aren't in the walls of a school building) to bring about a growing generation. We not only have to tackle the standards, but we have to be moms, counselors, nurses, and friends to these kids. We truly are a profession like no other!
- Fitness and health. I said this was going to be an avenue for me to begin focusing on it, but I have done nothing to start that. I must...and will start soon!
- It's Sunday...and I didn't really have a weekend! Full, regular days at school this week. It is going to be weird for me and the students, so I must plan accordingly. It's going to be fun.
So what has being 28 meant the last couple of days!?!? I am still just as confused with things happening in year 28 as I was in year 27....HELP!!!
Friday, March 15, 2013
Puzzled about Day 5
Life is about making decisions. Some small. Small big. It's in the midst of making those decisions that a person truly reflects on what they ultimately want.
God's timing is quite interesting as well. It seems the moment we say one thing, God opens our eyes to other possibilities, which calls for us to make decisions.
Decisions. Timing. All a part of His big picture, but something that really gets me realizing that God sees the bigger picture is when He places pieces of what seems to be different puzzles in the same box. The pieces don't seem to line up and won't go together. Then God shows you the picture on the front of the box and you see how the pieces can fit together.
Case in point. Today, my daily devotional was about....
I knew 28 was going to be a great for many reasons. I just need to lean in and trust that the pieces He is placing into my life do work together...they may not seem to right now, but they will.
God's timing is quite interesting as well. It seems the moment we say one thing, God opens our eyes to other possibilities, which calls for us to make decisions.
Decisions. Timing. All a part of His big picture, but something that really gets me realizing that God sees the bigger picture is when He places pieces of what seems to be different puzzles in the same box. The pieces don't seem to line up and won't go together. Then God shows you the picture on the front of the box and you see how the pieces can fit together.
Case in point. Today, my daily devotional was about....
Yep... Decision making. When I first read this devotional I thought the intentions were to share with a friend who is in the process of making some big decisions. It wasn't until some big decisions walked through my door that I started to see how those different puzzle pieces really were apart of the same puzzle. So what's a girl to do? Stand in amazement of the picture on the puzzle box... Or put the puzzle together to see what He has in store for me.
I knew 28 was going to be a great for many reasons. I just need to lean in and trust that the pieces He is placing into my life do work together...they may not seem to right now, but they will.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Too tired to be 28 today. Day 4.
I'm not going to lie, I'm exhausted. It seems the shorter work weeks are the most draining. It's been a great week teaching my kiddos, but I just can't seem to get a good night's sleep. I tell myself I'm going to go to be early, but don't. With that said, today's post is going to be short... Actually I think the card my student gave me for my birthday sums up what being 28 means today.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
3 days of being 28
That moment in the morning where you are well aware that the temperature outside the comfort of your blanket is many degrees cooler.... Yeah, I'm having that right now. I wrestle with running quickly to the thermostat and adjusting it or just staying here a few more minutes. I think I'll stay for a few more minutes.
Gratitude. That was the topic of my daily devotional. Being thankful for what we have. (That's easy) Being thankful in times of tribulations (that's tough). I often find myself showering God with praise when things are great, but cry out in sorrow when things are tough. I'm learning more and more in my walk with faith that it is in those times of hardships that God grows me the most; therefore, I must be thankful for those times.
What being 28 has meant to me today...
I have had 28 amazing years of life. Full of friends. Full of family. Full of great memories. But it's hard not to want more. It's hard not wanting to go to the next stage of life. It's hard seeing Facebook notifications of another engagement, wedding, or baby announcement. By no means am I bitter, but anxious for some of these things to occur to me (in the correct order that is). While I have moments of dwelling on not having these things, I'm thankful with the same tongue because I have had the opportunities to do things that may be hindered from some of the things above. I'm able to pick up and move with whichever way the wind blows me. I get to solidify my faith before bringing in others to the world... But a girl would be lying if she said she didn't want to feel that love from a guy from time-to-time. Which brings me to my next point... Where have all the good guys gone? Honestly, I think growing up in the bar environment like I did has tainted my picture of guys. I catch the pick up lines before they're thrown out. I catch myself being "too easy to talk to". I catch myself locating the douchebags (yep, that word was necessary for this) in a crowd. I catch myself getting entangled with the wrong guy. How do I fix this? How do I know when to let my walls down? How do you "just know"? So what has 28 meant for me today... I'm 28. Single. Completely confused by guys still.
Pro.Con.Pro will be the method of attack for this blog post; therefore, I will end on a positive. I'm truly grateful to be in two small groups in this season of my life. Each group brings such different dynamics to my spiritual journey. Tonight is when I get to meet and lead a group of single ladies...aka my friends. We have great laughs, great good, and even better talks! I feel that in the last couple of months out core group has really grown deeper in our relationships with each other in order to deepen our relationship with Christ. With that said, here are some highlights of the night:
- There is only one thing a carousel does well--go around and around and around... This is not a good place to be if we want change. What in my life is riding on a carousel?
- We have a choice: the easy reaction (like a carousel) or the good reaction (challenges us to move forward). Easy doesn't mean good. It typically means we keep doing the same thing we've always done because it is comfortable. So do I want good or easy?
- I can attach myself to the four categories of unglued reactions in regards to different pieces of my life: exploders who shame themselves; exploders who blame others; stuffers who build barriers; and stuffers who collect retaliation rocks. Each of these reactions carries a burden and directs me away from the soul integrity, which is honesty that's godly.
- A roller coaster is how I would describe my progress with my faith. I'm constantly moving forward, but experiencing highs and lows. An obstacle course is how I would describe my progress with fitness (no pun intended), but it's challenging and causes me to get out of my comfort zone... I stumble and get back up in order to make it to the finished line.
- Challenge partners... Time to step on some toes!
I had a great hair day; therefore, it's a great day to be 28.
Gratitude. That was the topic of my daily devotional. Being thankful for what we have. (That's easy) Being thankful in times of tribulations (that's tough). I often find myself showering God with praise when things are great, but cry out in sorrow when things are tough. I'm learning more and more in my walk with faith that it is in those times of hardships that God grows me the most; therefore, I must be thankful for those times.
What being 28 has meant to me today...
I have had 28 amazing years of life. Full of friends. Full of family. Full of great memories. But it's hard not to want more. It's hard not wanting to go to the next stage of life. It's hard seeing Facebook notifications of another engagement, wedding, or baby announcement. By no means am I bitter, but anxious for some of these things to occur to me (in the correct order that is). While I have moments of dwelling on not having these things, I'm thankful with the same tongue because I have had the opportunities to do things that may be hindered from some of the things above. I'm able to pick up and move with whichever way the wind blows me. I get to solidify my faith before bringing in others to the world... But a girl would be lying if she said she didn't want to feel that love from a guy from time-to-time. Which brings me to my next point... Where have all the good guys gone? Honestly, I think growing up in the bar environment like I did has tainted my picture of guys. I catch the pick up lines before they're thrown out. I catch myself being "too easy to talk to". I catch myself locating the douchebags (yep, that word was necessary for this) in a crowd. I catch myself getting entangled with the wrong guy. How do I fix this? How do I know when to let my walls down? How do you "just know"? So what has 28 meant for me today... I'm 28. Single. Completely confused by guys still.
Pro.Con.Pro will be the method of attack for this blog post; therefore, I will end on a positive. I'm truly grateful to be in two small groups in this season of my life. Each group brings such different dynamics to my spiritual journey. Tonight is when I get to meet and lead a group of single ladies...aka my friends. We have great laughs, great good, and even better talks! I feel that in the last couple of months out core group has really grown deeper in our relationships with each other in order to deepen our relationship with Christ. With that said, here are some highlights of the night:
- There is only one thing a carousel does well--go around and around and around... This is not a good place to be if we want change. What in my life is riding on a carousel?
- We have a choice: the easy reaction (like a carousel) or the good reaction (challenges us to move forward). Easy doesn't mean good. It typically means we keep doing the same thing we've always done because it is comfortable. So do I want good or easy?
- I can attach myself to the four categories of unglued reactions in regards to different pieces of my life: exploders who shame themselves; exploders who blame others; stuffers who build barriers; and stuffers who collect retaliation rocks. Each of these reactions carries a burden and directs me away from the soul integrity, which is honesty that's godly.
- A roller coaster is how I would describe my progress with my faith. I'm constantly moving forward, but experiencing highs and lows. An obstacle course is how I would describe my progress with fitness (no pun intended), but it's challenging and causes me to get out of my comfort zone... I stumble and get back up in order to make it to the finished line.
- Challenge partners... Time to step on some toes!
I had a great hair day; therefore, it's a great day to be 28.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Only 363 more days to go!
It simply doesn't make sense... How can I wake up at 3:30am wide awake and feeling like I can tackle the day, only to lay back down to go back to sleep and wake up at 6:30 to feel like I didn't sleep at all? Still working on how that works!
So teaching... It's what I do... It's what I love... And honestly, I think I'm pretty good at it (at least my students think so). Not only that, my kiddos get my sarcastic sense of humor (and give it back to me). So let me relish and expose you to some pieces of evidence which support my information above.
Photo above: I had asked her for a husband for my birthday. She said she would look for him at Walmart... I asked her to look for him at Target (it had better quality items)...and this is what I got today.
Picture above: I had asked one of my kiddos for a car for my birthday. He walks into my class today and says, "Here are your keys to your car. Your car is out on the playground."
Picture above: Sweet gifts and breakfast from my kiddos.
Picture above: Just some of the cards and letters from my kiddos this week.
Side note: Homemade cards are my favorite. They take time, effort, and thought to what is placed into each card. Looking at the cards I can tell my students know and understand the kind of person I am. They know that not only am I a teacher, but I'm a person.
Faith... I am discovering more and more the importance of having spiritually knowledgeable in my life. This does not necessarily mean they can quote every verse of the Bible. This means that I understand people who have God at the core of their being. Tonight at small group was a great reassurance that I am not alone in my struggles in life. Tonight's focus was on a confused mind (guilty). A doubtful and unbelieving mind (guilty). An anxious and worried mind (guilty). While I know and understand I'm guilty of all of these things, I'm realizing the power God has in comforting me in these weaknesses. And I'm going to picture review of some key points from my reading (Joyce Meyer's The Mind is a Battlefield)and of the night's discussion:
This last picture really goes deep for me as I often do things today for the purposes of tomorrow. I must look at doing the things of today for the purposes of day. It even makes me reflect on the title of my blog (Faith.Fitness.Future). Should I worry about the future or worry about today?--But today doesn't go along with my alliteration!
So what did I learn about being 28 today? It's important to live and accomplish the things that 28 years and 2 days Jessica must do and not fret over 28 years and 3 days Jessica.
Now to my challenge to you (oh faithful and loyal reader)... What are things that are on your today's to do list for tomorrow that can be put aside to rejoice in what needs to take place today?
So teaching... It's what I do... It's what I love... And honestly, I think I'm pretty good at it (at least my students think so). Not only that, my kiddos get my sarcastic sense of humor (and give it back to me). So let me relish and expose you to some pieces of evidence which support my information above.
Photo above: I had asked her for a husband for my birthday. She said she would look for him at Walmart... I asked her to look for him at Target (it had better quality items)...and this is what I got today.
Picture above: I had asked one of my kiddos for a car for my birthday. He walks into my class today and says, "Here are your keys to your car. Your car is out on the playground."
Picture above: Sweet gifts and breakfast from my kiddos.
Picture above: Just some of the cards and letters from my kiddos this week.
Side note: Homemade cards are my favorite. They take time, effort, and thought to what is placed into each card. Looking at the cards I can tell my students know and understand the kind of person I am. They know that not only am I a teacher, but I'm a person.
Faith... I am discovering more and more the importance of having spiritually knowledgeable in my life. This does not necessarily mean they can quote every verse of the Bible. This means that I understand people who have God at the core of their being. Tonight at small group was a great reassurance that I am not alone in my struggles in life. Tonight's focus was on a confused mind (guilty). A doubtful and unbelieving mind (guilty). An anxious and worried mind (guilty). While I know and understand I'm guilty of all of these things, I'm realizing the power God has in comforting me in these weaknesses. And I'm going to picture review of some key points from my reading (Joyce Meyer's The Mind is a Battlefield)and of the night's discussion:
This last picture really goes deep for me as I often do things today for the purposes of tomorrow. I must look at doing the things of today for the purposes of day. It even makes me reflect on the title of my blog (Faith.Fitness.Future). Should I worry about the future or worry about today?--But today doesn't go along with my alliteration!
So what did I learn about being 28 today? It's important to live and accomplish the things that 28 years and 2 days Jessica must do and not fret over 28 years and 3 days Jessica.
Now to my challenge to you (oh faithful and loyal reader)... What are things that are on your today's to do list for tomorrow that can be put aside to rejoice in what needs to take place today?
Day 1 of being 28
I would be lying if I said I didn't wake up this morning hoping some strikingly good looking man was delivering me breakfast in bed. Instead, I woke up to the buzz of my cell phone with Facebook notifications from people wishing me 'Happy Birthday!' Not the cute guy, but still a good start to the morning! I grabbed a pillow and my sheet and made my way to the couch. First order of business, finish watching the television show I fell asleep to last night (I've realized this occurs more often as I've been getting older).
I'm hoping with these 365 days of writing that I become more consistent with my quiet time with God. Whether it is directly in my Bible or through my small group study readings, I want to reflect more in the Word. This relates directly with part of the name of my blog ( indirectly links to my fitness. I've mentioned that I've slacked on my fitness and health, but can't understand why. Until recently. As I have been reading for the two small groups I've realized a few things... 1. I've labeled myself as a person who will always struggle with my weight. As a result of that label, I have allowed it to define me rather than inspire me to change that label. Well, you may wonder how I was able to lose the weight before and be so diligent with my eating and fitness... Honestly, I was living on false pretenses of why I should get healthly. I wasn't getting healthy for me, I was getting healthy for the people around me. Healthy in order to get a new label. To be defined by the labels prescribed by the materialistic world. I've been tossing and turning in the struggles of getting back on the bandwagon and frustrated that I haven't been able to do it until my second point. 2. Doubt and unbelief. See I know I can do the necessary steps to get my fitness and health back on track. I know God believes in me. And there are moments I believe in me; however, it's in those moments I slip away from my faith that the devil fills my head with doubt and unbelief in myself, in my willingness to change. Why does he do this? Honestly, he understands the damage a sound mind and body can do to his work against the Kingdom of God. With that said, this platform is my place to disclose my struggles in my It is the place to disclose my triumphs in my It is my place to take away the labels I've been defining myself as for the last 28 years.
So what does a 28 year old do on their birthday?
Laundry, of course!
Everyone uses tea candles for a birthday cake.
28 is tutu fun!
28... Don't take it so serious!
Send mature texts like this...
Make duct tape crafts
Perfecting my question asking (picture was not taken in my pure excitement of running on stage to be a volunteer.)
Adult beverages with a friend...
The things that have floated through my mind today as I think about year 28:
I'm hoping with these 365 days of writing that I become more consistent with my quiet time with God. Whether it is directly in my Bible or through my small group study readings, I want to reflect more in the Word. This relates directly with part of the name of my blog ( indirectly links to my fitness. I've mentioned that I've slacked on my fitness and health, but can't understand why. Until recently. As I have been reading for the two small groups I've realized a few things... 1. I've labeled myself as a person who will always struggle with my weight. As a result of that label, I have allowed it to define me rather than inspire me to change that label. Well, you may wonder how I was able to lose the weight before and be so diligent with my eating and fitness... Honestly, I was living on false pretenses of why I should get healthly. I wasn't getting healthy for me, I was getting healthy for the people around me. Healthy in order to get a new label. To be defined by the labels prescribed by the materialistic world. I've been tossing and turning in the struggles of getting back on the bandwagon and frustrated that I haven't been able to do it until my second point. 2. Doubt and unbelief. See I know I can do the necessary steps to get my fitness and health back on track. I know God believes in me. And there are moments I believe in me; however, it's in those moments I slip away from my faith that the devil fills my head with doubt and unbelief in myself, in my willingness to change. Why does he do this? Honestly, he understands the damage a sound mind and body can do to his work against the Kingdom of God. With that said, this platform is my place to disclose my struggles in my It is the place to disclose my triumphs in my It is my place to take away the labels I've been defining myself as for the last 28 years.
So what does a 28 year old do on their birthday?
Laundry, of course!
Everyone uses tea candles for a birthday cake.
28 is tutu fun!
28... Don't take it so serious!
Send mature texts like this...
Make duct tape crafts
Perfecting my question asking (picture was not taken in my pure excitement of running on stage to be a volunteer.)
Adult beverages with a friend...
And pick-pocketing (just kidding)
As I get ready to go to bed, I thank God for giving me great friends, great church, and a great day. 28 is going to be a great year!
1. Is this the year I stop getting ID'd when I order a drink?
2. Is it 28...30... Or 40 when my bones start to really ache?
3. Today means I'm wiser, right?
4. Does this mean I can't round down to 25 anymore?
5. Are guys at a bar really that crappy?
6. I will not let 28 define, but refine me.
Monday, March 11, 2013
365 Days of Being 28
Today is the day 28 years ago that God deemed for me to make my mark on this world. What a roller coaster these last 28 years have been. I've had my fair share of highs and lows like anyone, but something is stirring inside of me. Something is telling me 28 is going to be a year of great things for my life. I'm excited, scared, anxious, thankful, and full of promise. For once, I'm leaning in on the trust of God to lead me in my journey.
With that said, my goal for the next 365 days is to track year 28... To share. To write. To confess. To give thanks. To laugh. To just let it all out. While this will be a challenge for me to be diligent in my writing each day, I pray that through these writings I can grow closer in different aspects of my life.... With my friends. My family. Myself. My Creator.
Like I said, God chose this day 28 years ago for me to begin leaving my mark on this world...and I'm ready to get started!
With that said, my goal for the next 365 days is to track year 28... To share. To write. To confess. To give thanks. To laugh. To just let it all out. While this will be a challenge for me to be diligent in my writing each day, I pray that through these writings I can grow closer in different aspects of my life.... With my friends. My family. Myself. My Creator.
Like I said, God chose this day 28 years ago for me to begin leaving my mark on this world...and I'm ready to get started!
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